Benign breast disease

This means all the breast problems you can have that aren't cancer. Dr Brown can offer the best advice on your breast problems and arrange appropriate investigations and treatment.

Mastalgia - breast pain

Breast pain is a surprisingly common problem. The good news is it is almost never because of a serious or life threatening problem. Dr Brown can advise you on the best approach to managing your symptoms. Simple painkillers like paracetamol and ibuprofen are important to reduce your pain and many women benefit from evening primrose or star flower oil. It is important to have appropriate breast imaging to make sure there is nothing more serious going on.


Breast infection can be extremely painful and may need needle drainage or even an operation. We can arrange the appropriate tests and treatment and give you the best advice on prevention.
Nipple discharge
Most nipple discharge is nothing to worry about, but occasionally it can be because of a more serious problem in the ducts, so it is important to get checked. Dr Brown can arrange the appropriate tests and if needed perform a small surgery to deal with the problem.
Breast lumps
Most breast lumps are nothing to worry about, but until you've had the right tests it can be difficult not to. Dr Brown will assess your problem, arrange the appropriate tests and give you the optimal advice on how to proceed. Surgery to remove breast lumps is usually straightforward, with minimal scarring and time of work. Occasionally a small operation is needed to ensure nothing more serious is happening - excision biopsy.
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